
Rio v. Cat

Rio is listed as not cat safe by the adoption agency. We've notice he is extremely interested in them whenever we encounter them on our walks. I finally saw how interested he was on Monday when we were coming home from a morning walk.

Next to our house is a community garden that is transected by a path from one side to another. We often use it as a short cut to our back yard. As soon as we entered the garden Rio became very interested in a bush. Since people grow their vegetables in this garden I don't want him doing ANY business here.

He was staring intently at one bush. I though he had gotten a scent of something. Just as I noticed a small gray ball at the base of the bush Rio lunged at the cat. The cat attacked back as it exited and knocked Rio on his rear end in a perfect sit. Rio looked a bit startled. The cat escaped by climbing over the fence into our back yard. Rio, having regained his composure, was ready to take off after the cat and kept looking for him. Normally once I get into the back yard I let Rio off his leash, but because I wasn't sure where the cat was I kept him on leash until we got into the house.

So Rio is definitely NOT cat safe, which means we can't bring him anywhere there is a cat. Either the cat or the bush gave Rio a small cut on his neck which drew some blood. I guess it is a war wound.


  1. 1 cat does not make a bad dog, maybe the cat was not dog friendly,and scared of Rio.
    Was it a growling lunge or a playing 2 front feet at once type of lunge.
    Rio is to nice to be mean,he needs to confront a dog friendly cat that is used to dogs and is not scared by them.
    Don't give up on him so quick.

  2. Greyhounds are "sight hounds" - likely Rio SAW that cat! My hounds also loved to chase furry things. They were coonhounds tho - so they scent tracked them. When we had a cat that was dog friendly they just shook all over with excitement when it got close enough to them to touch. If I wasn't there to keep them from chasing it - they did. It's how hounds roll. ;-)
