
Rio's True Love

Rio and Elsie

Rio and I decided to go to the off-leash park Saturday afternoon to stretch our legs. Just as we got there another couple with two greyhounds showed up. One greyhound is Winston, who is in their foster care until he can be adopted. The other is Elsie, a dark brindle former brood mama who captured Rio's heart.


Rio was twitter-pated, infatuated, completely besotted. He wouldn't leave Elsie alone. Elsie, on the other hand, was entirely uninterested. Her attitude was, "Dude! What part of NO do you not understand?" Rio, thickly, kept on persisting in his attentions despite the fact that both of them are missing the parts that make puppies.

Daphne and Casey

We were joined by Daphne, Casey and Indigo. Poor Daphne and Casey. They were the afternoon's wallflowers, unnoticed by the guys.

The Race Is On

So what do greyhounds do when they get together? They race, sniff, poop and pee, lean against legs for ear skritches. And in Rio's case feel the pain of rejection by the fair Elsie.

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